Growing Daylilies from Seed
A Complex Process? If you look through the 'helpful tips' shared on sites like Facebook for starting daylily seeds, you'll get the impression that it is a complicated process and apparently getting more complicated every season. Refrigeration, dormancy, peroxide, wet and dry storage, heat mats, pre-sprouted seeds, fungicides, and fungus gnats! Some growers pre-sprout seeds in paper towels and then carefully tweeze them apart so as to try to not break off the roots or tops as they are placed individually into planting holes. Some growers use heat mats or a large individual pot for each seed. Some growers start their seeds indoors in the fall under lights, and then have six or seven months of caring for seedlings before spring. Once they get tall enough to touch the lights, they get a 'haircut' with scissors. Some people measure out peroxide to add to the soaking solution. Some growers transplant very small seedlings into bigger pots to give them 'root room...